Battle Surgery

Battle Surgery
List: Miscellaneous
Cost: 4
Prereqs: First Aid
Skill Type: Miscellaneous
Tagged: Yes
Purchase: Multi
Duration: Special

For every purchase of this skill, the character can spend 1 minute to restore Body Points to a character. The character may use this skill any time they wish on any living character, including themselves so long as the character is awake and not restrained. For every purchase of this skill the character can restore 12 Body Points. No matter how many Body Points restored, the character need only take 1 minute to use this skill. The character can restore any amount of Body Points they wish with this skill up to their maximum amount. To use this skill, the character can use any available cloth, like tearing a piece of their costume, to bandage the wound. If a character uses clean white bandages that are at least 2 feet long and 2 inches wide will gain a bonus of 50%, rounded down, to the Body Points restored. One area of the body per use of this skill (or per 12 Body Points restored) is required. The player using this skill is responsible for providing the bandages, which are an in-play item and do not require a tag. The target character must keep the bandages on for at least 1 minute. If the bandages are removed or fall off before the 1 minutes are up, the Body Points healed with this skill are lost and the use of this skill is still expended.

One complete (12 Body Points) use of this skill can be used to indefinitely stabilize a living character who is Mortally Wounded or at the Brink of Death. The character should place their hand on the target character’s torso and call “Battle Surgery”. As long as the character maintains contact, the target character’s Death Count stops.

Thirdly, if a character wishes, they can restore Body Points when using their First Aid skill. When using First Aid on a target character, the character can opt to use points of their Battle Surgery Body Point Tags to heal the target character. Combining the use of these skills takes 1 minute and the target character will wake up at the end of the minute, bypassing the 5 (or 21⁄2 with bandages) minutes of wake up time normally required with the First Aid skill.

Lastly, the character can use 6 points from their Battle Surgery Body Points to splint a leg that is broken – NOT SEVERED!!! – and allow the injured character to slowly walk on the leg moving no faster than one step per second.

A character may not walk on two broken legs, without help, even if both are splinted. A character can only be battle surgeried by one character at a time and a character can only battle surgery one character at a time. The use of this skill requires the character to concentrate while they are using this skill. The player should look at the character they are using this skill on and can only talk and invoke Latent spells while battle surgering someone.

The bandage is in-game, does not have to be purchased, must be white, and must be larger than 2 feet by 2 inches. The character must either have their hand on the target character or be bandaging to use this skill.

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